Buying a Boat

Posted by Gail Farias on Nov 20, 2019 11:00:21 AM

Things to Consider When Buying a Boat

Whether you are an active angler, a veteran sailor, or one who has only dreamed of sailing from port to port, you may be planning to buy a new boat. A new craft might be a replacement for your current one, an upgrade, or the yacht of your dreams.

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Topics: buying a boat, how to buy a boat, buying a new boat, boat buying, when to buy a boat, cost of a boat, boat costs, shopping for a boat, buying a yacht, shopping for a yacht, how to buy a yacht

Shopping for a Boat - Tips for New Buyers

Posted by Gail Farias on Oct 18, 2019 10:11:36 AM

Whether an experienced owner or a first-time buyer, shopping for a boat is a major undertaking. Sometimes first-time buyers react to their initial excitement without fully considering what they need, how big the boat should be, the age and condition, ease of operation, maintenance, and where it will be kept. 

Also, you need to first determine how much you plan to pay and how you expect to finance the boat. Impulsive buyers frequently bear that nagging concern that they overpaid after buying the first boat they inspected.  

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Topics: buying a boat, boat buying, when to buy a boat, yacht buying, shopping for a boat, tips for buying a boat, boat buying tips, where to buy a boat

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